ELLIS Summer school in Modena from 18th to 22nd September - Save the date! ·

We are proud to announce that Modena Elllis Unit will be hosting the third and last Summer School of the Ellis network this year, on September 18th to 25th, at Modena Tecnopolo.
The 2023 ELLIS Summer School on Large-Scale AI is an annual event for ELLIS PhD students, post-docs and fellows to meet in person and share knowledge about Machine Learning, Intelligent Systems and all topics covered by the ELLIS Programs. The theme of the lectures and keynotes of this edition will be “Large-Scale AI for Research and Industry”.
The school will focus on advanced scientific research and on the exploitation of European GPU-based HPC facilities. As our research has strong implications and applications in industry, we will also discuss with representatives of industrial research labs.
Students of the School will have the opportunity to:
- attend high-profile lectures and tutorials from top-level scientists
- attend lab lectures from both academia and industry
- discuss their work through poster and tooling sessions
- develop projects on the parallel GPU facilities of the Leonardo Supercomputer hosted by CINECA
- have fun!
More info here
To express your interest for the School, please fill-in the Google Form